
Silence is better than talking

Verily Allah 'Azza wa Jalla hate people who talk and bersilat clever tongue.
(Narrated by Abu Dawood, kitabi fi adab, chapter ja'a maa fil mutasyadaqi bil kalam, 4/303, Hadith no.5005, from Abdullah ibn Amr radi friend anhu).

Many comments and rambling speech was a disgraceful case, indeed we now found and tested by the stupidity of some people where they talk about a case and a lot of talk by describing a problem then he expressed more pious than not.

Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud radi anhu once said "Verily you (O 'companions) are at an age many people alimnya and a little speaker and will come later after a few days you alimnya but many speakers, he who much knowledge and little speech, he praised and (whoever) instead (a little knowledge but a lot of talking) he was a despicable "

The Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam had testified for the Ahl-ul-yamin (the right) with their faith and kefaqihan, Ahl-ul-yamin are the ones who at least his words and the most extensive knowledge, but their knowledge is useful knowledge in their hearts, they explained oral-oral sciences with their limited needs (quoted from the book fadhlu 'ilmis salaf' alal kholaf li Rojab Ibni Al Hambaly rahimahullah, hal.59)


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